The Easter Story: Youth Series

$ 39.00

A 4-week in-depth youth ministry series on the Easter story. Students will discover the prophecies of Jesus’ suffering, death, resurrection and what it means to them today.

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most significant event in all of history. From the fulfillment of Old Testament prophesies to His resurrection, this Easter series is designed to lead students to a deeper faith in Jesus.

Nick here, Founder of Ministry to Youth. Growing up, I didn't have a clear understanding of the significance of Easter. Of course, I liked it because I got LOTS of candy. Yum Yum. In fact, I remember one Easter when I was 6 years old that I gave Pepper (my dog) a bunch of candy with the wrapping still on. Ha ha!! Maybe the students in your ministry have a similar story (not about the dog, but about their understanding of Easter). You want to convey the importance of the Easter story to your students, and that's exactly why we created this series!

This series can be ordered individually here on this page, but is also one of many included in a year long curriculum.


This series is one of many in the One Year Youth Curriculum, Volume 4, which is a comprehensive and intentional year long teaching curriculum for youth ministry. Save 78% on one year of teaching series.

Series Overview

Week 1: Jesus is the suffering servant God promised long ago. 
Bible: Prophecy: Isaiah 52:13-53:12; Fulfilled: Acts 8:26-40
Bottom Line: Jesus is a huge part of the amazing plans God has for us.

Week 2: Jesus was betrayed, ridiculed, and beaten, just as it was prophesied. 
Bible: Prophecy: Psalm 22:1, 3-8 and 14-18; Fulfilled: Matthew 27:22-50
Bottom Line: Jesus shows his great love for us with his suffering and understands when we are betrayed and suffer.

Week 3:  Jesus died for us - it was real and changed everything. 
Bible: Prophecy: Amos 8:9-10; Fulfilled: Matthew 27:45-54
Bottom Line: Jesus died for us to bring us to God. 

Week 4:  Jesus died, was buried for three days, and rose from the dead!
Bible: Prophecy: Hosea 6:2, Psalm 16:9-11; Fulfilled: Luke 24:1-12; Acts 2:23-37
Bottom Line: Jesus lives and because He lives we no longer have to fear death.

This product, like all our resources, is a download item.

What's Included?

  • Series artwork for promotional purposes (cover slide, and blank text slide 
  • Social media artwork
  • Lessons in both Word & PDF format – edit as needed and easily share with volunteers
  • Fun opening games (one per lesson)
  • Creative, relevant teachings
  • Engaging small group discussion questions