This 4-week junior high series teaches junior high students to place a high value on knowing and doing what is written in the Bible.
This item, like all our resources, is only available as a download.
This series is one of many in the 3-pack junior high bundle, volume 3. This all-new 2025 bundle saves you 63% on $133 worth of junior high series!
Series Overview
Lesson 1: How Do I Know The Bible Is True?
Bible: Isaiah 40:22, Micah 5:2, Psalm 22, Isaiah 53, Daniel 9:26
Bottom Line: We know the Bible is true because God wrote it.
Lesson 2: How Is the Bible Put Together?
Bible: Overview of the Bible
Bottom Line: The Bible is one continuous adventure story, written by God.
Lesson 3: Why Should I Read the Bible?
Bible: 2 Timothy 3:16–17, Ephesians 2:10, Psalm 119:105
Bottom Line: The Bible gives us direction, correction, and training to help us live our BEST life possible.
Lesson 4: How Do I Study the Bible?
Bible: Joshua 1:8; Proverbs 4:20–22; James 1:22-25
Bottom Line: Reading the Bible is the best way to know God.
What’s Included?
- Series artwork for promotional purposes (cover slide and blank text slide)
- Lessons in both Word & PDF format – edit as needed and easily share with volunteers
- Fun opening games
- Creative, relevant teachings
- Engaging small group discussion questions