A 3-week series that explores the unending, ongoing, and everlasting love of God.
This series guides teens to a greater understanding of God's love - which is very different than what is often demonstrated in the world.
This product, like all our resources, is a download item.
What’s Included?
- Series artwork for promotional purposes (cover slide and blank text slide)
- Lessons come in both Word & PDF format. Edit as needed and easily share with volunteers.
- Fun opening games
- Creative, relevant teachings
- Interactive small group activities
- Engaging small group discussion questions
What is Love? Overview
Week 1: God's Love is Lasting
Bible: Jeremiah 31:3, Romans 8:38-39, Romans 2:4
Bottom line: God’s love for us is unending, ongoing, and everlasting.
Week 2: God's Love is Overwhelming
Bible: John 15:10-17, Romans 5:6-8, Titus 3:4-7, 1John 4:10, Luke 15:11-32
Bottom Line: Jesus demonstrated what real love looks like, and there will be no other substitute that can ever come close to such an overwhelming, selfless love.
Week 3: God's Love is Valuable
Bible: Galatians 3:13-15, Ephesians 2:4-9, Colossians 1:13-14, 1Corinthians 6:19-20
Bottom Line: Not only is God's love valuable to us, but we are also valuable to Him.