Save 75% on 3 screen games and 54 youth group games for Christmas, New Year's and Winter!
Includes 3 newly released screen games:
- 4 Corners - Christmas Edition
- Reverse Charades - Christmas Edition
- Fact or Fiction - New Year's Edition
Also includes the following game packs (active, non-screen games everyone plays). Each game includes a Biblical lesson:
- 12 Christmas Games
- 12 Winter Olympic Games
- 30 Holiday Games (for Christmas)
What Is a Screen Game?
A fun, everyone plays, game that involves a screen of some kind (TV, projector, or even a laptop). We create the slides and you display them on a screen using PowerPoint, ProPresenter, etc.
Note: Screen games are only available in this bundle, and not offered individually.
Overview of what's in the bundle:

4 Corners - Christmas Edition (Screen Game)
Select a volunteer and have them come to the front of the room. All remaining participants are trying to guess the answer of the volunteer. Select four corners in the room. The participants will go to the corner they think the volunteer would choose. Once participants have picked their corner, have the volunteer reveal their answer. Those who got the answer right will continue with the game. Those who guessed wrong will have a seat. The last one(s) standing is declared the winner.
Sample Slide:

- 12 Four Corner scenarios
- Complete PowerPoint game file
- Individual jpg slides of each four corner scenario. Add to your presentation software (ProPresenter, etc)
- Title & Instructions slides (jpg)
Reverse Charades - Christmas Edition (Screen Game)
Split up students into groups of 10-20 and have one person from each team come up front and face the audience. You want to make sure they cannot see the screen. The goal is for each team to act out the words on the screen for their teammate upfront to guess. The team with the student who guesses the most correct answers wins.
Sample Slide:
- 20 Reverse Charades scenarios
- Complete PowerPoint game file
- Individual jpg slides of each four corner scenario. Add to your presentation software (ProPresenter, etc)
- Title & Instructions slides (jpg)
Reverse Charades - New Year's Edition (Screen Game)
Everyone will stand up for this game. Everyone locks in their answer with thumbs up (fact) or thumbs down (fiction). Those who answer wrong are eliminated and sit down. Those who answer correctly remain standing. The player(s) left at the end are declared the winner(s).
Sample Slide:
- 12 Q&A Fact of Fiction scenarios
- Complete PowerPoint game file
- Individual jpg slides of each four corner scenario. Add to your presentation software (ProPresenter, etc)
- Title & Instructions slides (jpg)
The bundle also includes the following game packs (active, non-screen games everyone plays). Each game includes a Biblical lesson:
12 Christmas Games:
- ADVENT - Jeremiah 33:14
- CAROLS - Luke 2:14
- CELEBRATIONS - Romans 15:13
- CHARITY - Colossians 4:5
- FAMILY - Romans 12:18
- FIRST CHRISTMAS - Luke 2:16-18
- JESUS - John 1:14
- MIRACLES - John 16:33
- NATIVITY - Luke 2:7
- SNOW - Isaiah 1:18
- TRADITIONS - Philippians 4:8-9
- WONDER - Luke 2:19
12 Winter Olympic Games:
- Four Corner Flags - Proverbs 1:1-4
- Global Road Trip - 2 Corinthians 11:26-27
- Human Freeze Frame - Romans 12:3-5
- Lost In Translation - 1 Corinthians 9:19-23
- Make A Game Team Challenge - John 15:4-5
- Olympic Appetites - John 4:31-34
- Olympic Reverse Charades - 1 Peter 3:15-16
- Olympic Tour Guide - Acts 1:8
- Olympic Truth - 1 John 2:21, 24-25
- Scrambled Capitals - 1 Peter 2:11-12
- Stand Sit Kneel - Luke 4:9-12
- Winter Olympics Relay Race - 1 Corinthians 9:24-27
30 Holiday Games (for Christmas):
- A House For Elves - Solid Foundation; Matthew 7:24-27
- Christmas Cookie Crumble - God's Always There; Psalm 46:1-2
- Completely Covered - Love Covers Sin; 1 Peter 4:8
- Fishing for What? - Spreading The Gospel; Mark 1:17
- Fill it up - Trusting Jesus brings Joy; Romans 15:13
- Gift Relay - Use Your Gifts; 1 Peter 4:10
- Heavy and Light - Being Rested; Matthew 11:28-30
- How Many Can You Hold? - Your Main Priority; 1 Corinthians 10:23
- The Human Christmas Tree - Celebrating Jesus; Psalm 150:1-6
- Imitating Christmas - Acting Like Jesus; Philippians 2:3-5
- Jingle Who? - Loving One Another; John 13:35
- No Hands! - Body Of Christ; Romans 12:5-8
- One Percent - Jesus Loves Everyone; Matthew 18:12-13
- One Word at a Time - Words Are Powerful; Proverbs 18:21
- Putting the Pieces Together - God Plans; Romans 8:28
- Santa Who? - Doing For Others; Matthew 25:35-40
- Secret Gifts - Give To Others In Secret; Matthew 6:3-4
- Sharpening One Another - Working Together; Proverbs 27:17
- Stay in the Lines - God's Word; 2 Timothy 3:16-17
- Ugly Christmas Sweaters - God's Creation; Psalm 139:14
- What are you leaving behind? - Your Spiritual Legacy; Colossians 3:12-17
- What’s on the Inside? - Looking Inside; 1 Samuel 16:7
- Game: Wrapped in What? - What God Cares About; Luke 2:7
- Yoked Together - Other Christians; 2 Corinthians 6:14
- Christmas Guess Who
- Christmas Salad Bowl
- Decorate the Christmas Cookie Feet
- Decorate the Human Christmas Tree
- Giant Toy Store Christmas Game
- Human Candy Cane