Purpose - What On Earth Am I Here For?
This product, like all our resources, is a download item.
A 4-week series helping students discover WHY God put them here on this earth.
Youth often struggle with finding meaning and purpose in their lives. They're in the process of discovering their identity, wanting their life to matter and be significant.
Use this series to help students find God's purpose for their lives.
Purpose Overview
Lesson 1: Purpose - More Like Him
Main text: Ephesians 4:22-24
Description: Your purpose in life begins with becoming more and more like Jesus.
Lesson 2: Purpose - What’s the Point?
Main text: Colossians 1:16
Description: You are not an accident, and your life isn’t just a pointless length of time on earth. You were created for a reason and you have a purpose. However, you will never be able to find that purpose if you’re looking in the wrong places.
Lesson 3: Purpose - Serving on Purpose
Main text:John 13:12-17
Description: Contrary to the popular message you might hear from the world, as a follower of Christ it is your purpose to serve. You are meant to serve God, serve others, and serve God by serving others.
Lesson 4: Purpose - Living Out Your Purpose
Main text: Ephesians 1:11
Description: When you know you have a purpose, it changes the way you live. Once you realize your purpose, the things you view as important change. Really, knowing your purpose changes everything about your life!
What You Get
- Instant Download – Instantly download all the series contents immediately after purchase. Send the download link to leaders for immediate distribution.
- Series Artwork (widescreen 1280 x 720) – Includes the main artwork for the series (cover artwork) and a blank text version, which you can use to create slides as needed.
- Lessons in Both PDF & Word Doc Format– Customize the lessons as needed and easily share with your volunteer team.
- Leader Script – A lesson script is included with everything written out word for word. We encourage you to use it as a guide, rather than a script. We include a complete script so that you have everything you need to make the most out of each lesson.
Each Lesson Includes
- Opening Game
- Complete Customizable Lesson
- Lesson Script
- Small Group Discussion Questions