Save 67% on $181 worth of youth ministry lessons and games for around Valentine's Day.
Includes four series with lessons on:
- How love starts from the heart of God & extends out to everyone
- Understanding what healthy dating & guy-girl relationships really look like
- Exploring what true love looks like by studying four great love stories in the Bible – Abraham and Sarah, Ruth and Boaz, Mary and Joseph, and Jacob and Rachel.
- And more!
Includes 28 games:
- Each lesson in the four series includes a fun opening game that sets up the big idea.
- The bundle also comes with 12 winter olympic games that each include a Biblical lesson.
See a detailed breakdown below.
Ways to use the lessons in the bundle:
- Mix and match the lessons from different series to come up with a custom February teaching plan for your youth group.
- Use one series for your weekend services and another for Wednesday nights. There's enough lessons for the month of February this year and next.
- Use one series for the month of February for the next four years.
- Use one of the series for a winter camp or retreat, and the others for however you like.
- The possibilities are endless!
Bundle Overview:
TRUE LOVE - A 4-week series exploring how love starts from the heart of God and extends out to everyone.
Lesson1: Unwavering Love (Romans 8:38-39)
Bottom Line: God’s love never fails.
Lesson 2: True Friendship (Proverbs 17:17)
Bottom Line: Build healthy friendships.
Lesson 3: Love yourself well (Matthew 22:39)
Bottom Line: Love yourself to love your neighbor.
Lesson 4: Love in action (1 John 4:19)
Bottom Line: Show your love through actions.

CRUSH - A 4-week series helping students understand what healthy dating & guy-girl relationships really look like.
Lesson 1: It's Not Always Easy (Genesis 1:26-27, 2:18)
Big Idea: We were created for relationships.
Lesson 2: It's Not About You (Philippians 2:3-4)
Big Idea: Dating is about helping others become the people God dreams for them to be.
Lesson 3: It's Not Just Physical (Genesis 2:24-25)
Big Idea: Dating relationships should be built on trust.
Lesson 4: It's Not About Now (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, 11)
Big Idea: God's timing is the best timing.

LOVE - A 4-week series on dating, sex and love. If everything we do is an act of worship, how does that apply to dating, sex and love?
Week 1: What’s first?
Bible: Matthew 22:36-40, Genesis 1:26, Genesis 2:18, John 15:9
Bottom Line: Staying close to Jesus makes every relationship better.
Week 2: What’s the point?
Bible: 1 Corinthians 10:23-24, Psalm 139:13-14, Ephesians 5:31-32
Bottom Line: The purpose of dating is to lead toward marriage.
Week 3: Who are you?
Bible: 2 Corinthians 6:14-15, Proverbs 1:5
Bottom Line: Dating on purpose means you know who you’re looking for.
Week 4: What do we do?
Bible: Luke 17:5-6
Bottom Line: Dating can be helpful or hurtful.

LOVE STORIES - This 4-week series explores what true love looks like by studying four great love stories in the Bible – Abraham and Sarah, Ruth and Boaz, Mary and Joseph, and Jacob and Rachel.
Lesson 1: Abraham and Sarah (Genesis 17-18; Romans 4:20)
Bottom Line: True love encourages you to put your trust in God.
Lesson 2: Ruth and Boaz (Ruth 3-4)
Bottom Line: True love looks beyond outward beauty and sees the beauty within.
Lesson 3: Mary and Joseph (Luke 1-2)
Bottom Line: True love helps you fulfill God’s purposes for your life – it never pulls you away from it.
Lesson 4: Jacob and Rachel (Genesis 29)
Bottom Line: True love takes dedication and devotion – a reflection of God’s love for you.
Lesson 1: Abraham and Sarah (Genesis 17-18; Romans 4:20)
Bottom Line: True love encourages you to put your trust in God.
Lesson 2: Ruth and Boaz (Ruth 3-4)
Bottom Line: True love looks beyond outward beauty and sees the beauty within.
Lesson 3: Mary and Joseph (Luke 1-2)
Bottom Line: True love helps you fulfill God’s purposes for your life – it never pulls you away from it.
Lesson 4: Jacob and Rachel (Genesis 29)
Bottom Line: True love takes dedication and devotion – a reflection of God’s love for you.

12 winter olympic games for youth ministry. Each game is based on a Biblical topic and followed up with a lesson.
- Four Corner Flags - Proverbs 1:1-4
- Global Road Trip - 2 Corinthians 11:26-27
- Human Freeze Frame - Romans 12:3-5
- Lost In Translation - 1 Corinthians 9:19-23
- Make A Game Team Challenge - John 15:4-5
- Olympic Appetites - John 4:31-34
- Olympic Reverse Charades - 1 Peter 3:15-16
- Olympic Tour Guide - Acts 1:8
- Olympic Truth - 1 John 2:21, 24-25
- Scrambled Capitals - 1 Peter 2:11-12
- Stand Sit Kneel - Luke 4:9-12
- Winter Olympics Relay Race - 1 Corinthians 9:24-27
What’s included in all the teaching series?
- Series artwork for promotional purposes. Cover slide & blank text slide for all four series. True Love & Crush series also include social media images.
- Lessons in both Word & PDF format – edit as needed and easily share with volunteers
- Fun opening games
- Creative, relevant teachings
- Engaging small group discussion questions