This all-new 2025 bundle saves you 63% on $133 worth of junior high series!
Our series are created specifically to meet the needs of students undergoing the many spiritual, physical, emotional and social changes of the middle school years (6th-8th grade). In other words, we get this age group and the games, messages, and small group questions are tailor-made for middle schoolers.
Ever notice that when in a pillow fight, middle schoolers don't usually ambush you alone? They're smart enough to come in packs. But they didn't know you're a ninja black belt, so watch out!
In the same spirit, we didn't want to release new stand alone series without putting them in a pack.
The 3-Pack Includes:
Empty - This newly updated 4-week junior high series teaches students that because the tomb is empty, Jesus can fill the empty places of our lives.
Influence - A completely new 4-week junior high series on influence, exploring:
- How God wants to be your ultimate influencer.
- How your friends influence you for good or bad, so choose wisely.
- What holds you back from allowing God to be the ultimate influencer and how to stay focused on Jesus.
- How your actions, words and choices influence the people around you – your friends, family, teammates, and even the people you don’t know well.
The Bible - This 4-week junior high series teaches junior high students to place a high value on knowing and doing what is written in the Bible.
This item, like all our resources, is only available as a download.
Sample Junior High Lesson - Influence
DOWNLOAD HERE a sample from our Influence junior high series. Big Idea: God wants to be our ultimate influencer (Isaiah 64:8).
What’s Included?
- Series artwork for promotional purposes (cover slide and blank text slide)
- Social media graphics (for all except for The Bible series)
- Lessons come in both Word & PDF format. Edit as needed and easily share with volunteers.
- Fun opening games (in each lesson)
- Creative, relevant teachings (in each lesson)
- Engaging small group discussion questions (in each lesson)