Save 56% on 5 youth ministry event curriculums!
This bundle consists of Delight and Freedom event curriculums, which each can be used for:
- 3 or 4 day camp or retreat
- DNOW (Discipleship Now)
- Teaching series + Bible study combo
It also includes three 2 hour events:
- Syllabus - Back to School Event
- New Life - Spring Event
- Chill - Summer Event
This is a downloadable resource. More about each event...

Theme: Students will dive into what it looks like to experience delighting in the Lord.
Can be used for: 3 or 4 day camp or retreat, DNOW or teaching series + Bible study combo.
Download a free sample of Message #1 (Delighting in the Presence of the Lord) to get a taste of the awesome content included in this youth group event!
The event consists of...
1. Four Teaching Messages
- Delighting in the presence of the Lord
- Delighting in the teachings of the Lord
- Delighting in receiving from the Lord
- Delight results in worship
2. Four Small Group Bible Studies
- Trust in the Lord and do good
- Delight in the works of God
- Delight in serving God
- Delight in prayer
3. Four games related to the Delight theme
4. Three and four day suggested itinerary

Theme: Students often feel the pressure to live up to the expectations of others or expectations they put on themselves. Jesus offers a different path. The path of freedom.
Can be used for: 3 or 4 day camp or retreat, DNOW or teaching series + Bible study combo.
Download a free sample of Message #1 (Freedom from Sin) to get a sneak peek of the awesome content included in this youth group event!
The event consists of...
1. Four Teaching Messages
Students will discover how Jesus has set them free FROM: sin, perfection, religious duty, and shame.
2. Four Bible Studies
- Students will explore how Jesus has given them freedom TO: serve, forgive, love and suffer.
3. Four games related to the Freedom theme
4. Three and four day suggested itinerary
Learn more about Freedom

This 2 hour back to school event helps students plan for spiritual growth in their lives.
The event consists of four high-energy games followed by a lesson. Small group discussion questions are included for breakout groups.
Lesson: Trust God’s Plan
Bible Verses: Proverbs 16:1-3, Psalm 84:11, John 15:7, Proverbs 3:5-6
Bottom Line: When we plan to deepen our trust in Jesus, God honors our plans and helps us grow.
Four Games (Each connect to the lesson):
- Mattress Surfing Relay
- Tic Tac Toe Relay
- Hungry Hungry Hippos
- Egg Relay
New Life - Youth Group Event
This 2 hour youth ministry event is all about our new life in Jesus – how He forgives our sin and how we are called to be new creations here on earth.
The event consists of one message, four high-energy games, and small group discussion questions.
Lesson: New Life in Christ
- Bible Verses: Romans 3:23, Ecclesiastes 7:20, Romans 5:12, Romans 3:24, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Galatians 5:22-23
- Bottom Line: Jesus Christ allows us to not only be forgiven and make it to Heaven, but we are actually called new creations when we know Him.
Includes these four games (each one ties into the message):
- Who Am I?
- This or That?
- I Was Walking Down The Street
- Flour War
Chill - Youth Group Event
This 2 hour summer event teaches students the core truth that real rest comes from Jesus, not from your schedule.
The event consists of four high-energy games followed by a lesson and small group questions.
Lesson: Rest in Jesus
Bible Verses: Matthew 11:28-30; Mark 6:30-32; Psalm 23:1-3
Bottom Line: Real rest comes from Jesus, not from your schedule.
Four Games:
- Would You Rather, Summer Edition
- Blanket Chariot Race
- Busy Balloons
- How Heavy